The Mermaid that wanted wings
JUNE 2024
This collection is for the dreamers and storytellers, the ones who refuse to grow up and will always want play mermaids when summer comes around.

Once upon a time,
there was a mermaid
The mermaid loved her garnet coloured scales, her powerful tail and long hair too. But they weren’t enough. She wanted wings. Ever since she was little, the mermaid would stare at the sky in awe, wishing she could fly.
When she prayed to the stars in the sky, they answered. They told her that the only way to grow wings is to trap a bird and let it eat her heart. So for days the mermaid would search for a bird.
One day she finally managed to catch one with her fishing line and she tied a leash around its feet. She begged and begged the bird to eat her heart but the bird kept refusing, saying
“Babe, you’re insane, let me go”.
After 3 days and 3 nights of begging, the bird finally caved and decided to eat the mermaid’s heart. It slowly pecked and pecked at her chest until it reached her heart and devoured it whole.
The mermaid however obviously died, I mean the bird literally ate her heart... The world went dark and all she could see was a bright star in the distance, she reached out to grab it, and she felt a woosh of air at her sides. Suddenly she felt her soul coming out of her body, dematerialising into the essence of light. The mermaid became an angel with wings. She flapped her wings, once, twice and she finally reached the star.
“Star, what the hell, I said I wanted wings but not like this!”
“Mermaid, darling, you should’ve said! Come now, don’t be upset. Let’s spend eternity together, we can harass pirates and spook them with ghost appearances”
“Actually that sounds great. Do you wanna makeout?”
And that’s how the mermaid that wanted to fly grew wings and flew away, making out with a sexy star for the rest of eternity.
The end.

This collection would not exist without the help of some amazing, talented people. Thank you for making my story come to life.
Art Direction - Velvet Lavender
Model - Andriana Kyriakou
Photographer - Kyriakos Georgiou
Photographer - Nika Oksenchuk
Film Director - Mari Suvorova
Model - Katya Alabina
Narrator - Gervaise Savvias
Music - Structure of Magic
Graphic Design - Wasabi Studio