We all love wearing our jewellery at the beach but the risk of tarnishing your sterling silver jewellery is very high at this time of year! Make sure you always remove your jewellery before swimming and applying sunscreen. Additionally, sweating is natural and it can definitely tarnish your jewellery especially pendants or rings which have constant contact with your skin. Dry and store your jewellery in airtight containers to avoid further tarnishing.

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How to Clean your Jewellery:
Boiling water and dish soap are key ingredients to begin cleaning your jewellery (If your jewellery contains semi-precious gemstones allow for the water to cool down a bit to avoid cracking).
In a bowl, add the boiling water and dish soap, place the jewellery for 15 minutes and then use a soft bristled toothbrush to gently brush the jewellery all over.
Alternatively, if your jewellery is visibly tarnished you should line the bowl with aluminum foil (shiny side up) and add a tablespoon of baking soda and boiling water. Place the jewellery in the bowl for 15 minutes and then gently brush with a soft bristled toothbrush and some dish soap.
Thoroughly dry your jewellery with a soft fibre cloth, you can even use a hairdryer to make sure the jewellery is completely dry.